Dear Fat on My Butt and Thighs:
I'm blogging to you, letter style, to really annoy Anna. Who thinks this trend is overplayed. Well guess what, FOMBAT, the letter I'm writing to you will make the letter writing blog style come back, and Anna will be even more annoyed-er. So I'm accomplishing two things at once in this letter that I am blogging to you.
On to my point, FOMBAT. You are not welcome here anymore. I've decided to stop calling you "The Twin Sister Emma Left Behind" because that made it kind of cute. And cute, you are definitely not. FOMBAT is a far uglier term. And appropriate. So, get off me, alright?
Ok, now on to the meat of this post.
I'm TRYING to get off this baby weight. It's just not happening. And it seems this week that the world is conspiring against me. I do my best to plan out healthy meals for the week before I go to the grocery store, so that I don't end up picking up junk. But no one else cooperates. Mom has been bringing me loaf after loaf of Amish Friendship bread for the last month or two, thanks to her friend who gave her a starter that requires her to be in a constant state of baking. Don't get me wrong, it's delicious, but all is does is make more FOMBAT friends. And also, mom and dad decided to buy EVERY SINGLE BAKED GOOD available that was on auction at the ward spaghetti dinner/fund raiser. And guess what they did with most of it? Yeah, it's sitting on my counter. And Mike's track team was doing a fundraiser, and he got roped into buying $30 worth of chocolate chip cookie dough. And a friend of mine was so sweet as to stop by my house today and drop off a whole plate of cookies as thanks for teaching her primary class this past week. So let me break down the contents of my kitchen counter for you...
*Otis Spunkenmeyer muffins (we bought)
*Mini Bagels (we bought)
*A Loaf of Chocolate Amish Friendship Bread (from mom)
*Half of a 9x13 White Chocolate Blueberry Cake (auction)
*2 Slices of Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake (auction)
*An entire pan of brownies topped with Mint ButterCream Icing (auction)
*Huge Plate of Yummy cookies (Cheri)
That's a pretty darn long list. Of conspirators. I think I weigh more now than I did at 8 months pregnant. Sigh.
So anyway. The point of this blog. I AM CALLING MYSELF OUT.
I will be signing up to run a 5K by the end of May. I haven't found one just yet (well I have, I'm just hoping to find one that's closer to da burg) but I will. My issue is MOTIVATION. In college, I constantly had other people telling me what to do and when to do it. I HAD to work out. Between lifting and running, volleyball practice and track practice, I was ALWAYS working out, ALL YEAR ROUND. I just had no choice. And despite the fact I was CRAZY busy all the time, I lived no more than a few minutes away from campus where the gym was open all hours. And I didn't have a husband or baby to worry about and take care of. The last time I had any sort of goal for working out was when I was working towards my wedding. I really wanted to look smokin' hot for my wedding. And I think it did. And it's been pretty much downhill since then.
So why am I having such motivation issues? Mom comes once a week so I can get to the gym during the day. If I want to go at any time other than that, it has to be at night after Emma's in bed and Mike is home. And by that time, I am just WAY too tired. I do a lot of walking with Emma when it's nice outside, but the weather is still way too inconsistent at this point. I'd love to get a jogging stroller, but from what I hear they are pretty expensive, and we've got our money dog-eared for other things that are more important. Also, my hips are KILLING ME! All you moms out the hips ever get back to normal? That was the most painful part of pregnancy for me, but they kind of went back to normal after I had Emma. But recently as I've been running, my hips have started to feel...well I don't really know how to describe it. They just feel off? Anybody else get that? I had gotten myself to the point where I would run 3 or 4 miles, but the last few times I've been out I can't get much past a mile and a half before my hips just hurt hurt hurt. So I'm not sure what to do about that.
So. That's my story. I will be running AT LEAST a 5K, if not a 5-miler, by the end of May. I know lots of you are runners, so feel free to inundate me with all your motivation techniques, strategies, etc. So now that I've called myself out, I must deliver! And hopefully, FOMBAT will be banished.
If it's a jogging stroller you want, I will pull all of my stroller strings (and sadly, there are many...) to find you a good one at a great price. Name your budgetary limit and I will find it...
P.S. It only gets worse when there are more kids. Ask Anna, whose kids no longer fit in her double jogger. Or me, who, after a year, finally felt Keaton was old enough to put him in childcare at the Y while the other two are at pre-school. In the meantime, I've just been eating everything in sight. I did tell Nicole I will ATTEMPT to train with her for the Charlotte marathon in... November, I think??? But I don't know how that will fly with Karl's schedule.
Don't give up girlfriend. Do what you can, when you can. Once Emma is sleeping on a regular basis and the weather warms up, you can try early morning workouts. That's the only thing that works for me.
No race plans for me. I'd just like to hate running a little less.
Fombat. FOMBAT! HA! I never knew what it was called, but that is so it! And I'm an expert.
And I thought of you today. At Walmart. When I was checking out with donuts for the plumber at 7AM ... and I looked down and saw a ShamWOW!
You've done the only thing that works for me -- set a goal race. Because you wanna know how many times I have run since my last race? Two. Two times. Once for 3 miles on a treadmill, and once outside for 4.5 miles. That's it. So I just registered for another 10K in May just to force myself to run, which I like, so I shouldn't HAVE to force myself, but whatever.
Oh, Lyll. Can I tell you how much I relate to this post?! It's so strange how hard it's gotten for me to lose weight. I used to have this Kilgore metabolism (which I didn't appreciate at the time - I still thought I was fat. Oh, 20 pounds lighter dumb you were!) and the minute I started any kind of consistent exercise the pounds would just fall off. But alas, the 29 year-old, three-baby-mama, twice-c-sectioned, old-fart me is really, REALLY struggling. I have a lot of weight to lose. A lot. It's sad. I saw a picture of my behind last week (taylor was kind enough to film Gaby dancing directly behind my bottom) and it was a sad, bulbous sight indeed. Food is the culprit because I've been a stellar worker-outer. I eat way too much and do so for entertainment...
Anyway, a jogging stroller was the cure for me after Cam was born and again after Miles. See if there's any of your friends that have one you can borrow. I actually used to run behind my EVENFLO stroller! It stank - I don't recommend it.
And I will say this: Emma is just over 4 months old and you already look quite fantastic. Have I mentioned that Sophie is 16 months old and I've only lost about 10 pounds since her birth? Sad, right? I think you're hot. And another thing to remember is that it's nine up and nine down. You'll notice that right around the time Emma hits nine months you'll start looking/feeling a lot more like your usual self. Give it some time, get some rest, give yourself some credit. You DID, afterall, just spend last year creating an entirely new human who never before existed. And now you're in charge of feeding and caring for said human. It's a big job!
Down with FOMBAT!
Oh, and check this out. I read her "Baby Steps" blog on This is what I want to look like one day. Will it ever happen? No. A girl can dream, though, right?
p.s. Her most recent post was quite inspirational and very appropriate for you. Check it out.
Oh, and Lyssa: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT buy a Baby Trend or InStep jogging stroller. I can hook you up with something nice. Really, I can. But it was painful to me to see you all hunched over pushing a (shudder) Graco at Christmas when I knew you already had a Maclaren at home. I'm grimacing just thinking about it. Should I call you for a stroller consultation?
I have to agree with Chrysta. My first single jogger was a Baby Trend from Babies R Us. I thought it was so nice. Until I got my double Dreamer Design and found out that it weighed LESS than my single Baby Trend. The Baby Trend was nice for the time I had it but if you can get an equally good deal on something better you should.
p.s. Chrysta, does Lyll's Mac have a weather boot? I know she was using the travel system over Christmas to avoid the in-and-out-of-the-carseat-in-yucky-weather grind. Been there, done that.
Yeah, her Mac has a boot and a raincover, but not a carrycot. The boot is really better for older kids. I knew she was using the Graco b/c Emma was so small and it was so cold that she wanted to keep her warm in the carseat. Knowing that she had a good excuse didn't help my gag reflex, though :)
Chrysta, I AM using the Mac now that Emma is bigger. What is the boot, though? I'm not sure what you're talking about... also, my Graco doesn't make me hunch! I really do like it a lot...
I feel your pain. I really really really do. I think any mother can relate. It will come off, eventually, in time....and you will find that time soon. It takes awhile before you can find a groove to get into so if you can, take things slow for now. Walking, jogging etc. Eventually Emma will be down to one nap a day and that opens up TONS MORE OPPORTUNITIES for you to get back in the gym and work out. At least it did for me
Be patient....and hang in there. We love you xo xo xo
The boot is the leg-cover thingy that helps to keep the stroller rider warm. It blocks the wind and you can tuck extra blankets inside if it's super cold. Then the blankets don't fall off in the yucky street. You could also get a nice plushy foot muff, which is like a sleeping bag for your stroller, with holes for the straps and stuff. That might actually be a good idea if you want to do some fitness walking outside next winter, but we can hook you up with one of those when the time comes :)
Do you really want me to find you a jogger?
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