Tuesday, January 27, 2009

She's on fire!

My girl is good! She's 9 weeks and ROLLING!! WOOT WOOT! Emma has quickly discovered how to roll from her tummy to her back. She can roll to her right and her left! She's a total champ! I'm working on getting the roll on youtube. Mike's trying to get it in the right format, so once we do, I'll post that. In the meantime, there's a slideshow below. In other news, Emma had her first shots yesterday morning. Her appt. was at 7:50, which meant we had to wake her up to take her. Which meant she screamed the whole way there, and most of the way through her check up. We finally got her calmed down and smiley just in time for her to be stuck three times!! Poor girl! She never screamed like that before. I'll never forget the look of terror that hit her face...she's so expressive with her eyes, and she just looked so horrified and upset. It was awful. They did it as quick as they could, and quickly passed her off to me. It was traumatic for us both!! But, Emma is usually very smiley! It's just hard to catch it on camera, because my camera has a pre-flash and it freaks her out, and she stops smiling!! And thanks to Chrysta and her Gripe water suggestion, her tummy issues are doing much better! And Chrysta, you were right, the Baby's Bliss stuff is MUCH better than the Little Tummy stuff!!


Deb said...

We doin' fine, yo. Now post a fashion show with puffy painted onesies, dude. I can't wait to see her stumping for Rock-a-bama or outing you as a Disco Mama.

She is so daggone cute! Love her lips.

Sara K. said...

Her eyes remind me of Gaby. Emma's a sweetie and I second Deb's call for a fashion show.

Chrystapooh said...

I third the fashion show.

It's clear she got the "jock" gene from her parents.

I'm glad her tummy is feeling better - whew! More sleep for everybody! Hooray!

She's so freaking cute I almost burned my Sam's Club frozen lasagna because I couldn't tear myself away from that slideshow. Now I'm back so the boys can get a look-see. They can't wait to see Baby Emma, and it's killing them that they have to wait while I finish my comment. That's why I keep making it longer and longer. Just to torment my kids. They don't call me an Ugly Mom for nothin'!


Chrystapooh said...

Oh yeah, I forgot (and now my kids are really dying because they saw one pic before I clicked back to the comments - mwah hahahaha!) to tell you just to turn your red-eye reduction pre-flash off. It's easier to catch the smile and then remove the red-eye on the computer. There are lots of programs that will do it lickety split. I think maybe even Slide lets you do it on that site...

Chrystapooh said...

Also too, she looks mighty adorable lying on "The Emma Bean." Yo Sara, way to go!

Christy said...


Love her. So glad her tummy issues are working themselves out.