Thursday, January 8, 2009


Banner days at the Sage household.

Mike has been sick for the past couple of days. But he's on the upswing now. I, however, am on the downswing, and feeling worse every hour. And I'm pretty sure Emma's feeling it to, because she's been exceptionally cranky due to some tummy issues since very early Monday morning. So I have been handling her cranky sleeplessness by myself, since I didn't really want Mike passing his germs onto her. But apparently that was pretty futile. But thankfully, Mike is on the upswing, like I mentioned earlier. And he was able/willing to stay home from work today to watch Emma. And he stayed up with her while I got some much needed sleep last night. I slept for 6 hours straight, which is about double the maximum amount of consecutive sleep I've had since she was born. So that was pretty amazing. It's weird, I've always loved a good nap. But when your life is split up into nothing BUT a series of naps, they don't seem so great!

Anyway, Emma did fall asleep on the couch for several hours with Mike, so he got some sleep, too:) She's just been having issues once we put her down, because she's not yet quite able to soothe herself back to sleep when a toot or poop wakes her up. And her tummy has been really tender, so we just really feel for her right now, because there's not too much we can do:/

Just thought I'd share this with all ya'll who think I'm some sort of magic mother, or that I just have it so easy. I'm definitely still adjusting to this motherhood thing, and taking my lumps. I'm sure all you mothers out there feel me..fer realz. So please don't be hatin'.


Anna@Exasperation said...

Oh I'm so hatin' on you. Just kidding. I feel your pain, sista. Fo shizzzzzzzzzz. None of my kids have been sleepers (hence the kid-strike I'm on at the moment).
I do think you're magical, though.:) You so majik.
Here's hoping you get some good sleep soon!!

Chrystapooh said...

You need to get Emma some Baby's Bliss Gripe Water. It has ginger and fennel in it and it will help her tummy. That stuff worked like a magic charm for Hudson. You definitely want the Baby's Bliss brand and not the Little Tummies brand they sell at CVS. Here's a link, but you'll have to cut and paste:

Deb said...

So you must have been thrilled to have me ring your doorbell and wake everyone up in the midst of all this! Sorry about that. I was just concerned that if I did't drop off at least the littlest onesies, she'd get too big to ever support Barack, run for 2048 herself, or proclaim you a disco queen.

Do hope you're feeling better.

Sara K. said...

Once everyone is feeling better, a photo fashion show of the onesies, please.

Get well soon, mama.

Chrystapooh said...

Did you ever find any Baby's Bliss for Emma? If not, I'm going to send you some, so lmk...

Alyssa said...

well, we're using the little tummy's version of it now. Couldn't find Baby's Bliss anywhere near us, and we were kind of hoping for some immediate help. It seems to be helping somewhat so far...

Chrystapooh said...

I will send you some Baby's Bliss. It's better, but of course it won't hurt to use the Little Tummies till the BB gets there.

Alyssa said...

Just out of curiousity, how often and how much did you use?

lauren said...

All this talk of baby crap and crazy makes me wonder if I want to start over! I know it is worth it, but I know you are tired!!

Darin said...

Well, I definatly hate you less now!

I hope you all are feeling better soon. Poor Emma. There's nothing worse than being sick and having to take care of a sick baby.

Chrystapooh said...

With the Baby's Bliss stuff, I rarely had to use it more than twice in a row according to the directions on the bottle (you know, 1/2 tsp every 4-6 hrs or whatever it says) but Hudson wasn't as colicky as Emma seems to be (just from your description). But it's not at all harmful. It's herbal, not a medicine, so it's like giving a sick kid as much ginger ale as they can handle just because it's the only thing they can keep down, KWIM? Totally safe. The Baby's Bliss stuff really does work better than the Little Tummies, though. I've tried both.

Chrystapooh said...

I just ordered you some from Amazon. You should have it in a couple days. LMK how it works.