Friday, February 6, 2009

updates and whatnot

Sooooooo how's everybody doing?? We here at the Sage household are doing ok. We've been up and down this cold season, both Mike and I. We've finally kicked both the tummy stuff and sinus stuff, but now Emma's got a cold. She's so sad and pathetic with her little cough, and you can tell she's just congested and miserable. So she's been really cranky and clingy lately. She'll wake up and be happy for a bit, but then she gets grumpy, or...she'll get totally cute and just want to nuzzle up to me. Well what am I saying, she's always cute, even when she's screaming her head off!!

In other Emma news, she's taking a bottle now! I was afraid I waited too long, only starting it last week. She put up a bit of a fight the first night, but has really taken to it like a champ!! So now daddy gives her a bottle before bed time, and it's just really cute to watch the two of them. I'll post some pics when I get a chance later.

I would also like to announce that Emma (like most babies, I'm sure) is Altitudey. Kilgore fam, think: Colorado 2007. I just wanted to use that word!!!

Now, let's talk about me! Inspired by Christy's facebook note, I've gotten myself back to the gym!! It's been almost 2.5 months since I've been. That's the longest break I've taken from the gym since I started high school. And I've got the butt and thighs to prove it. Scary. My goal the first day back was to do one ten minute mile, 6 lifts, and a ten minute cool down on the elliptical. And I did it!! I was most happy that I was able to do the mile, since I hadn't run in 9 months. I worked out all through my pregnancy, but was limited to low impact, because of my previous miscarriage issues and other concerns of my OB. It honestly felt so WEIRD to run again, and I did not appreciate the feel of my butt jiggling as I ran. But, I did the ten minute mile so I was happy about that. So, my goal for the next few months is to get myself back to fit and firm. DOWN WITH THE SQUISH!!!

That is all for now. I have to go figure out how to add flair to my facebook!!


Christy said...


(on all accounts) xo

Deb said...

Go Alyssa GO! Shove those grannies out of the way and show 'em how it's done, you whippersnapper.

Anna@Exasperation said...

LOL! Down with squish! Can that be the official motto of the UMC or something? If not can it be the official motto of you and me?
Down with squish! Up with buttocks (and, if you're me, chesticles)!

Sara K. said...

Do you chesticles hang low?
Do they waggle to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder like a Continental soldier?
Do your chesticles hang low?

If so, then you are an Ugly Mom.

Deb said...

Your flair rocks, and so do you! (Silly girls, there is no such thing as "up with chesticles." They shall forever waggle to and fro, hang low, etcetera and all that. The end.)

Chrystapooh said...

Hey wait, I thought we all had a date at some amorphous time in the future to get our chesticles "upped"... I know we'll all have to drug and maybe pistol-whip our hubbies to get the $$$ out of them, but I'm sure they'd be happier with the results than they are with what we've got now. "Up with chesticles," I say, "UP, UP, UP!!!"

Christy said...

But what if you're flat? Um....hellllloooooo!