Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I need

Here's a list of some things that I need:

1. Sleep.
Everyone is saying, "Oh get all the sleep you can now, because HAHAHAHA you won't sleep a wink once baby is here!" Great, in theory. Except that I get up every 5 minutes to pee. Or if I'm not getting up to pee, I'm having to flop over from side to side because my hips are in excruciating pain. So lately I'm ending up on the couch, which doesn't provide for very sound sleep either. And I've been having trouble NAPPING lately. If you know know I love my naps. So this is very upsetting to me. Egads, if I can't sleep, can I at least have a baby here as the reason??????

2. A Baby.
I need a baby. No really, I just need her to get here. I love her so much already, and she's going to be awesome and totally cool. And she just needs to get here so that these weird, horrible awful nightmares about bad things happening during labor will go away. So, get here, ok?

3. A pedicure.
It's getting a wee bit chilly in this neck of the woods to be wearing flip flops, but I'm even more opposed to traditional footwear now than I was a couple months ago. So my feet are all dry and rough. And I can't reach them.

4. A Cool Code Word.
Mike and I just rented Juno last week. And when Juno goes into labor, her code was "Thundercats are go!". So now Mike and I feel that we need to have an awesome code word/phrase to use. I think we're both secretly hoping I go into labor while he's at work, so I can call him and yell out whatever we come up with as our cool code! Suggestions are welcome.

5. To Stop Cleaning.
I have had the uncontrollable urge to clean and disinfect every surface of my house. I've mopped my floors more times in the last month than I had in the 2+ years we'd lived in this house before then. And my bathtub...pristine. I know this is what you'll call the "nesting" urge, or whatever. I've been told it sets in just a few days before labor is go. BUT - I've had this urge for weeks now. And where's baby? Please refer to #2. Get here.

6. People to stop saying, "So, no baby yet?"
Um. I think it's obvious upon seeing me, that NO, there's no baby yet. Because I'm still huge and whale-like. It seems silly to even have to answer that question.

7. To stop freaking Bird out with random text messages.
Apparently I haven't been very sensitive to the situation, because Bird told me last night (after I sent her yet another randomly timed and meaningless text message) that she'd have to start keeping her cell phone with her all the time, because when she heard her phone she frantically ran up the stairs because she thought it was me calling to say I'd gone into labor. My bad.

8. Chrysta to post a new blog?
Chrysta, as far as I know, there's no new Stephanie Meyers books out right now, so people are totally checking your blog. And noticing that you're still in repentence. So, you should post a new blog, even if it only includes ridiculously cute pictures of your family. But if you'd like to add words to it, and share with us all the happenings of your life lately, that would be awesome too.

9. To go get some leftovers for lunch.
I made potato soup last night for dinner. And I love it so much! And now I'm going to go eat some more. Yum.


Christy said...

Hang in there.....xo ((HUGS))

Anna@Exasperation said... baby yet? I talked to mom and she said you're still pregnant.
As for code phrases, how about "The eskimo has left the igloo," or "the cat's out of the bag" or "the fuse is lit" or "kanga, roo is on the way" or "alice is in the rabbit hole".
Yeah, I totally feel you on the whole sleep thing. People love to give random advice that has absolutely no bearing on your life. Who can sleep when they're 58 weeks pregnant? Seriously.
GET A PEDI! What are you waiting for? Make it happen cap'n.
I know! Where's Chrysta? Weird.
Poor Bird. Sisters don't let sisters text pregnant. I'm putting together a new PSA for this specific issue.
love you girly. You are so close! Yay!!

Deb said...

So, no baby yet? Still? Come on, girl, call the tatoo artist, jump in your garbage truck and drive to New Zeland already! You've got 7 fingers and toes waiting to come forth. (Having a baby Mad Lib-style.)

How about this for your code phrase: *$(^ @^^!< %^ @)%^#$ &)*&$ ) &(#@& %)& )@#* $)(& %_)*#@)*&)_*#!!!! (Why do I always get bleeped?)

And Chrysta, your repentence is holding on line 2, and it wants you to start typing. Nicole, help us out here.

matthew emilee sarah and jack said...

alyssa im telling you castor oil works wonders peanut butter cups and castor oil. it will put you in enough of labor for them to keep you . has she dropped yet , your so funny you want to come clean my house . i nester the few hours before my water broke with matthew i wanted to do the dishes in the worst way . she will come and she will be your sweet princess and those dreams how ever aweful they may be they are normal i had them all the time and i survived to births 14 months from eachother
im so excited to see that little princess

Nicole said...

Dude, I'll second the castor oil. I delivered Rylan 10 hours after I took it.

Of course, before the labor started I had the pleasure of having everything inside my body (except the baby) firehose its way out, so maybe you have to be really desperate.

Also too, my little sister took castor oil with her first baby and delivered hours later too also.

Code word/phrase? Anna was so close but I have the winner fo' shizzle...

"The Maverick is leaving 'Laska!"

And I think it's probably my fault that Chrysta isn't blogging because she spends all her computer time providing therapy to me.

The not sleeping thing is nature's way of preparing you to not sleep for the next 6 months. It's no big deal when the baby comes because you are already used to getting up 27 times a night.

Anything else I can solve for you?

P.S. Boone made an AWESOME new soup last night -- I'll go post it on Sara's blog in a bit...

P.P.S. I just re-read Deb's code phrase and think we really must have been separated at birth because I use that phrase myself like 13 times a day! What are the odds?

Chrystapooh said...

Lyss, for the love of Pete, STOP CLEANING!!! I'd hate for you to have to forfeit your membership in the UMC just when you're so close to making the leap from "Junior Wannabe" to "Officially Ugly Mom." Please, Deb, go save her from herself! Take her to the Hershey Pantry and make her eat her weight in desserts!

Deb said...

I TRIED! Something about doctor appointments and mothers. But I'm going tuesday afternoon...

Alyssa said...

Just as an FYI - I went to the Hershey Pantry for breakfast before my Dr. appt on Thursday, and ordered a cinnamon roll, expecting a Pillsbury-out-of-the-can roll size... but it turned out to be bigger than my head. No lie. So Chrysta, I'm doing ok on that front on my own:) Also, Deb, Thursday ended up being CRAZY and I was in Lebanon for most of the day...check your's all in there!

Alyssa said...

Also, the cleaning has stopped somewhat, mostly because there's nothing left to clean. I do about an hour or less of cleaning each day, now. It's usually more like 1/2 an hour. Because everything's clean. And now that's driving me nuts, too. I'll be relaxing on the couch, and just have to get up and go look at things to see if they're clean. And they are. Agh!

lauren said...

1st - i dont nest - poor k.. 2nd ohh the hips i feel for you.. i actually still get hip pain at night.. 3rd i will make sure to point out that ur still prego when i see u next..

Sara K. said...

Are you still pregnant? The countdown widget has either been reset or is counting the days you are now past due, which seems cruel.

Anna@Exasperation said... baby yet?
MWAH HAH HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go look at your clean kitchen!