Saturday, March 6, 2010

5 o'clock shadow

Does anybody else get a five o'clock shadow... on their eyebrows? It's like I have to tweeze every 5 minutes. Annoying.


dbsetter14 said...

It's really funny that you bring this up because I totally know what you mean. Sometimes when I tweeze my eyebrows, I look like 5 minutes later and there are long hairs where I JUST's ridiculous! By the way, we need to get together's been too long!

Sara K. said...

Gaby will. I swear we're going to have to start waxing her unibrow before she's 10.

Anna@Exasperation said...

I think I'm going to start putting tweezers in my purse and tweezing in the car while I wait for Cameron after school. Because I tweeze in the bathroom and they look fine. Then I check my teeth in the rearview mirror only I look like Harry (minus the Hendersons).
So uncool.

lauren said...

I am too tired to look at my eyebrows! Where the heck are the pics of Emma? In the weeks before we left I turned around to see her catching up to daddy and grabbing a finger to hold on too.. soo CUTE!

Deb said...

And some of us don't bother tweezing, ever, in their life, so instead of the 5 o'clock shadow we've got the 38-year-old eclipse. Carry on.

Sara K. said...

Total Eclipse of the Heart, Bed. Rock on.