Friday, October 30, 2009

We all have skeletons in our closet...


Yes, it's true, we all have skeletons in our closet. Some are minor, some are major, some eat at us til we reach a point of insanity, some stay buried and forgotten for years. But we all have them. Most of us aren't political figures or celebrities who live in fear of our buried skeletons making reappearances in the public on a grand scale. But still, how many of us live in fear of our closest loved ones, friends, or enemies, even, finding those skeletons we've meticulously packed away.

And that brings me to my point. I'm tired of living in the fear that someone may stumble upon my skeleton. I'm tired of worrying what people will think, I'm tired of wondering who may already know, and what they will and/or do think of me once they find out. It's not a pleasant feeling...that feeling of looking over your shoulder, that feeling of hiding something away.


What to do.

I choose to air it all out. I choose to unbury my own skeletons, and let 'em lay smack dab in the middle of my living room. Because I just...can't...hide it...anymore.

The Skeleton in my Closet.

There you have it. I dressed my kid up as a use a my own sick game...of procuring as much candy as possible.... for me... to eat all by myself... without sharing.

And I feel soooooooooooooo dirty. (and stomach-achey)

But so relieved to have it out in the open. I think I just solidified my standing in the UMC.


Sara K. said...

Now if you could just get that monkey off your back...

Anna@Exasperation said...


Deb said...

Very Ugly. Similar to taking your allergic child trick-or-treating, knowing he won't be able to eat a bite of it. Love Halloween.

Anna@Exasperation said...

Deb, I've never been more proud of you than I am right now. I honestly NEVER thought about the whole "Halloween With a Kid With Severe Allergies To Almost Every Candy Ever Made Ever." It brings tears to my eyes to know you take him anyway and that you so lovingly take from his shoulders the burden of having to eat that anaphylaxis causing candy. You are, indeed, a great (and ugly) mom.

Deb said...

Thank you, Anna. Your words of awe are uplifting.

Christy said...

so cute!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

Happy Halloween... er... belated Halloween.