So, I have a new(ish) friend. And she is really new to my blog. And when I blogged about my Shark Steam Mop, she asked me...
"Why does the United Methodist Church have any opinions on steam mops? And aren't you Mormon anyway??"
And then I proceeded to laugh my bum off (I wish this were actually possible). To answer that question for anyone else out there who blog stalks me and didn't get the references to the UMC, let me 'splain something to youz.
UMC=Ugly Mom's Club. Not United Methodist Church. I have nothing against Methodists, but I also don't claim to speak for them (and I'm sure they are glad for that!).
If you still don't really get UMC, click on the cute little Ugly Mom's Club button on the right, and you'll see what it is.
Because We're Here. We're Ugly. So Get Used To It.
love it.
i'm sure bird has told you a thousand times I spell Mormon wrong more often than i don't. Go morman mom.
Holla! UMC in the hizzy.
p.s. Have you talked to the counselor in your presidency who I happened to "meet" online? I told her to read your blog. It's cool for me to invite people to insert themselves into your life, right? Just checkin'.
2 wiggity weeks until we leave! Woot!
I bet the Methodists are jealous they didn't think of it first. I think we should sue for copyright infrigement and make them stop using our acronym. It's just too confusing. But just so everyone knows, you do NOT have to be Mormon to be Ugly. This Lutheran is totally Ugly, perhaps the most Ugly. Methodists welcome, also too.
I *heart* you Bed. Are you sure you can't come to Tennessee? We could do a membership drive. I'll bet we'd find lots of prospective Uglies.
Ditto Sara (per the usual).
We be needing some Deb in Tanasi!
HI-larious!! I didn't not hide the headliner in my blog, I just saved the best for last. You should not post - even comical stories without cute pictures of the E lady!!
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