Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Quiz Time

My picture looks like this because

a) I have started drinking beer. Lots and lots of beer.

b) Chuck Norris commanded my internal organs to expand. And they obeyed.

c) My Atkins Diet has gone horribly, horribly wrong.

d) I am 24 weeks pregnant.

If you guessed d, you are correct! Well done!

Now, lest you go thinking this is an announcement of the Good News Variety, please recall my former pledge to NEVER announce ANYTHING of the Good News Variety on this blog again.

Therefore, I offer the following:

We are not happy about this (yes we are). This was not planned (yes it was), and it was an unpleasant surprise to us both (no, it wasn't a surprise, nor was it unpleasant). We cried tears of angst and misery when we discovered my condition (no, no we didn't). We are not looking forward to the arrival of our new baby girl (yes we are), and we are not happy about the prospect of having two kids, instead of just one (yes we are). So, overall, this is a horrible turn of events (no it isn't) that has left us devastated (nope), depressed (nuh-uh), and debilitated (not even). Feel free to offer your condolences (or congratulations), but we likely won't respond (yes we will) because we are JUST. THAT. DEPRESSED (more like excited) about the whole darn situation.

Depressingly (Ecstatically) Yours,

Alyssa, Mike and Emma


Chrystapooh said...

You are the biggest dork on the face of the planet (yes, you are) and you suck (no, not really).

dbsetter14 said...

Congratulations on having a new little girl on the way! Great post, too ;)

Nicole said...

Wait WHAT?!? Have I been gone that long? Congrats!

Anna@Exasperation said...

FINALLY Chrysta knows and we can all talk about it OUT LOUD.
Thanks for taking, like, FOREVER Chrysta.
Chuck Norris commanding your organs was going to be my guess, by the way. Only because I know the power of Chuck.
LOVE YOU! Congrats. Such wonderful, fantastic news! Hooray for me getting to see her at Christmas, too:)

Sara K. said...

Yay for more Kilgore girl babies! So glad everyone is in the know and that I was one of the last to know. Seriously, the pressure of knowing and potentially being the one to spill the beans was almost too much to bear. Chuck Norris' fear tactics have nothing on Alyssa's spear-chucking-throat-punching threats.

Deb said...

1) LOL, Chrysta!

b) Yes, Nicole, you have been gone that long.

Duh ... ??) I was one of the first to know, even though she could have told me IN PERSON like 24 hours earlier, but I suppose I was not trustworthy enough. Sob.

IV) YAY for more Kilgore babies of the Sage variety! Woot woot!

lauren said...

OH MY CRAZY AMAZING FANTASTIC!!! That is so fun, fun, fun!! Congrats and cheer up! :)

Holly and Steve said...

Congrats guys! That's so exciting!!!