So, lately, we've been watching PBS kids at our house. And I have to tell you, Sesame Street has some of the best stuff ever. If you haven't seen the Pre-School Musical skit yet, please watch it!!
Consider yourself backed. Word Girl does totally rock! We are also big Fetch with Ruff Ruffman fans over here. And if you watch 30 Rock (if you don't, I feel sorry for you) you HAVE to watch Sesame Street's 30 Rock skit. Hilarious.
Word Girl is the bomb. Owen got a CD of 4 Word Girl episodes in a Wendy's kids' meal and he goes to sleep listening to it e.v.e.r.y. night. He's knows them all by heart.
Oh, if you're into PBS kids you HAVEHAVEHAVEHAVEHAVE to watch Word Girl. Smartest show on television. Back me up on that, Nicole.
Consider yourself backed. Word Girl does totally rock! We are also big Fetch with Ruff Ruffman fans over here. And if you watch 30 Rock (if you don't, I feel sorry for you) you HAVE to watch Sesame Street's 30 Rock skit. Hilarious.
Word Girl is the bomb. Owen got a CD of 4 Word Girl episodes in a Wendy's kids' meal and he goes to sleep listening to it e.v.e.r.y. night. He's knows them all by heart.
It just helps A LOT that the narrator is former SNL fave Chris Parnell. Oh yes it is.
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