Saturday, May 9, 2009

No more creepers

Ok, I'm writing a new post so ya'll who check blogs obsessively will stop having to be creeped out by my last post every time you check it.


The other day my dad came over for Emma Day so I could go to the gym. On this particular day, I needed to get some more baby Tylenol, so I stopped at the target that's just a minute or so away from my gym. As I was leaving, I saw a white Suzuki Grand Vitara, and knew right away that it was my BFF's mom, Barb (aka Mom #2, or also too aka wife of Ghetto Bob). So I turn my car on, and she does a loop around the lot and drives right up behind me. I lay on the horn, stick my head out the window and start yelling at her...and the lame-o totally kept driving. So, I pulled out and followed her through the parking lot, and stopped right behind her car once she parked. And then she stepped out of the car, clutching her hand bag to her chest, with a look of fear on her face. Because...

It wasn't Barb. It was, in fact, a woman who could PROBABLY steal Barb's identity, as she had the same hair, glasses, body type, and drives a white Suzuki Grand Vitara.


Barb's Twin, as I mentioned, was clutching her purse to her chest with a look of horror on her face. Realizing my gaff, I rolled down my window and started shouting apologies. I don't think she understood the words I was saying at first, because her eyes were just huge, and she was trying to back away. I'm pretty sure she thought I was going to hit her. With my car.

All I could do was stammer out some pretty pathetic apologies.

I'm sorry...
My best friends mom...
your car...
you really look like...
Thought you were someone else...
I'm sorry...

She finally realized I wasn't a psycho (still up for debate) and let her purse down, and just started exhaling really heavy, like I had scared her so bad she lost her breath. So I felt pretty horrible, but once she finally came around she kinda laughed it off, accepted my apology and went her way.

And I felt like a total stalker.


Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

AND... dot dot dot. she got your plates, called the police, and the police are doing a massive follow up, really i'm going to the police station to report as to if you're crazy or not. Cross your fingers STALKER>

Deb said...

HAHAHA, Shaymus. Indeed.

Also too, I bet you're now on her Top 10 List of Things That Creep Her Out, right above intestinal parasites.

Jean said...

This is why you're my best friend FOREVER. :)

Chrystapooh said...

Uh huh. Right. Are you sticking to that story? I can just see you trying to flag down Sister Cramer and being totally annoyed that she wasn't noticing you! Has she heard your tale of stalkerdom yet?

lauren said...

POOR POOR lady!! Yo I have been meaning to tell you - check out my second toe at church one day. Absolutely longer than my big toe - since it will gross you out I will wear open toed shoes till winter!! Thanks for letting us hold Emma for a bit - she is DANG CUTE!!