Friday, February 29, 2008

Not a Taylor appropriate Blog Entry

Just in case you thought I was exaggerating in my last blog, here is one of three pages left to me by Mr. Farmer, the teacher who covered for my 6th period class when I was out on Wednesday (because I collided with the YW 1st Counselor at bball practice at mutual on Tuesday night). He's not a sub, he's a regular teacher in the building. And this is how they behaved! I can't include pages 2 and 3 because the language he quotes is just toooo much for one blog... Thursday I had to write 8 administrative referrals, and call each of their parents. Then today I had to escort a girl to the office because she got into it with me before class even started. It was a really ugly scene and I was literally venting anger when I returned to the room. The rest of my students were so scared I was going to freak out that they didn't even say a peep. And that is DEFINITELY the first time that has ever happened with that class. I know I said before I was generally non-confrontational, but this girl got into my face and went to push me... and I just lost it. And then I spent most of the period crying after I just gave up and put a video in the vcr. Argh.


Sara K. said...

That's unreal. Taylor starts HS in 6 months and I hope she can avoid having any classes even close to what you are dealing with!

Anna@Exasperation said...

OKAY, so I'm caught up on your blog entries.
Lylla, your life is seriously insane. I would have committed homicide AT LEAST 12 times by now. You're freakin' amazing. Seriously, if some student went to push me I would be packin' heat when I returned to class.
AND THE PARENTS: HOLY HOLY CRAP. That is all I have to say about that. You're a better woman than I.

p.s. Sexy faucet! I'm jealous. I know you thought my kitchen looked beautiful but it is far from it! I think that picture was quite deceptive. We need new everything except the tile floors! Countertops, cabinet doors, dishwasher, sink and faucet...the list goes on! Oh well. Little by little...

Chrystapooh said...

Where are you teaching again? PS 237 in Harlem, right??? The kids I had in my PRE-SCHOOL class at Fort Benning will undoubtedly turn out exactly like your 6th period yahoos. All the elements in Mr. Farmer's report were already present in that group of 37 3-5 year olds: the foul language, the violence, the defiance and the dirty dancing on the playground... Yes, people, you haven't lived until you've seen a 3year old girl in a belly shirt and hot pants doing a pelvic grind in front of the slide while she sings every word of Nelly's "Gettin Hot in Heere" and then tells you about her latest "Daddy" because her mom makes her call every guy that she hooks up with "Daddy". Not an exaggeration. The kids in your class, Lyss, most likely have had about the same kind of parental "guidance" since infancy. It's sad and on some level you really feel for those kids, but having to deal with it on a daily basis really, really SUCKS.

Honestly, I think the school district is either trying to drive you off before you get tenure, or they know that you don't HAVE tenure yet and so can't go complain to the union. Either way, you're screwed for a few more months. Keep venting. Call and rant for two hours if you want. (My cell is Verizon, so you can call me for free:)) Whatever it takes to maintain some semblance of sanity. We'll keep you in our prayers until you drag yourself over the finish line at the end of the school year...

Christy said...

I double what Chrysta says. When you get tired of venting to her, call us....I could use a distraction.


Deb said...

As a tax-paying resident of your school district, I am appalled at the scheduling of that class. That is too concentrated of a special needs situation for a main-streamed class. They are feeding off of each other's bad behavior. If they feel the need to concentrate that type of behavior in one class, then use a teacher specifically trained to teach in that type of situation. (I know they exist, my boss's son-in-law is one such teacher.) Otherwise divide and conquer so they cannot, as a group, totally take over the class. It totally neutralizes your ability to provide any education at all to the handful of non-extreme troublemakers in that class.

Too bad your block scheduling doesn't include your planning and lunch back to back -- because Mon, Th or Fri you could come have lunch with me. We could sit and develop an Ugly plan for 6th period, sista. And if that doesn't work, I'll just fill your brain with mindless drivel about my bras and boobs so that when you get to 6th period, you'll be unable to absorb any additional brain-burning behavior.

If you can ever swing lunch, give me a call.