Thursday, May 12, 2011

Where to begin?


It's been a while. So here's a recap (because I know you all care so deeply...)

I was doing pretty great with the working out and weight loss. For a while. I was doing my P90X religiously for 8 weeks. So I did the first 2 phases, but got tripped up at the 3rd and last phase. I had lost a good 6 or 7 pounds, was losing inches, and more importantly, just feeling GOOD and light on my feet. And then...

Izzy blew up. Not literally, but she was entered a really bad stretch of stomach problems. She's had lots of ups and downs since she was born, and at 4.5 months just got ugly. She was screaming for hours on end, and was struggling and straining to pass gas and poop. She wasn't napping or sleeping well at night. She was struggling to eat and would often scream through meals, and twice she just stopped eating altogether. We ended up in the ER after a particularly bad day (she had refused to eat for almost 18 hours). After lots of testing, we know at this point that her anatomy is normal, so its likely an allergy of some sort.

Through all of this, I had to stop nursing and put her on a hypoallergenic formula. I basically took her to the doctor, and left knowing that I couldn't nurse her anymore. It was devastating. SO ANYWAY.

This totally killed my working out for a good 5 weeks. I was doing it during naps or at night after they went to bad. So, if Izzy doesn't sleep, I don't work out! And on top of that, I spent a good amount of time drowning my sorrows in all the dairy that I couldn't eat while nursing. So I'm a fatty fatty fat fat now.

Good news, Izzy's doing somewhat better. She's sleeping better, is having some good happy time during the day, and isn't straining or struggling so much. We have an appt with the gastroenterologist in two weeks, so hopefully we will get some answers on how to keep these episodes away.

On another note, Emma is awesome. She's just really hilarious, and its been fun to see the way her brain works, and how creative and imaginative she is. She's also been a trooper as we are working out Izzy's issues. Its amazing how patient and compassionate a 2 year old can be!

Also. Bird and I are running a Warrior Dash in about a month. It should be cool.

I think that's all I've been doing lately.


Christy said...

Oh the Warrior Dash will be awesome! I have seen others participating in them around here and totally want to do one! HAVE FUN! You will love it!

Sorry to hear about Izzy's issues. Poor thing. Hang in there.

Love and hugs to our favorite Emma


chase said...

That makes me so sad to hear about Izzy's poor tummy. :( I'm glad that it is possibly on the way to being resolved? It's heartbreaking to know they're in pain, isn't it? Aah, the joys.
And I haven't run in 3 weeks because weaning was just that awesome. I think I'm hitting the track tomorrow and I'm SCARED!
Thanks for the update. I miss your face.

Anna@Exasperation said...


lauren said...

I am so sorry lady!! I hope that doctor has some miracle juice for Izzy!! You are amazing - I don't know what a warrior dash is - but it sounds like you have to be a WARRIOR to do it. I'm out!! You of course will be awesome!! It was so nice to see you - and you look freakin awesome.