Saturday, May 21, 2011


Had our first yard sale today. It wasn't so shabby. Learned a lot about hardcore yardsale shoppers. Had an interesting conversation with a man who said he really didn't need to pay the ticketed price on a jacket, because after all it was a woman's jacket and HE was in fact, A MAN. Today was also the first day that Emma was really outside since she started potty training. That didn't go so well, but I'm 100% positive that it's because she was getting REALLY annoyed with us for asking, "Emma are you clean and dry?" and "Emma, you'll tell mommy and daddy if you need to pee or poop, right?", every 27 seconds. In the end, she had an accident, but it was during a tantrum that was more or less brought on by the fact that I was sort of trying to force her to go to the potty. (ie, oh, you want to walk up to the park? Well, we can't walk up to the park until you go potty, because there aren't any potties at the park! You don't want to go potty? Well sorry, no park then!) So, lesson learned. Otherwise, PT has had its ups and downs, but she is doing generally well, knock on wood.

Other stuff, other stuff....


I really don't know what else to say. Just felt the need to put something out there, because if I keep having these longs breaks I'm just never gonna come back to blogging. It feels too overwhelming to come back and post after a long break. SARA KILGORE, NOW I KNOW YOUR PAIN. But anyway, I know the world needs me, and my 3 devoted readers would be lost without the sage words found in this blog. (HA! Get it? SAGE words? Bahahahahaha I kill myself!)

Oh there's this other thing that I've been wanting to mention for a while...

I don't know if I ever blogged about it when it happened, but when I was about 37 weeks pregnant I got really severe inner and outer ear infections in both ears. I was essentially deaf, my ears were so swollen I couldn't chew, and I had to sleep sitting straight up (too pregnant to lay on my back, and too painful to lay on my sides). At this time, I went to the doctor and he was all concerned about what he could give me since I was pregnant. One of the things he prescribed was this really old school ear drop. After the first day of using it, my ears hurt so much worse. Called the doctor, said it was common for things to get worse before it got better. Dang. Two more days, I was literally crying in pain every time these drops went in. Got an appointment with another doctor. He gasped when he saw my ears. This acid based drop basically seared the inside of my ears. The flesh was literally burning away every time I put these drops in. And I did it 4 times a day for 3 days. I'm no genius, but that's 12 times.

ANYWAY. What I'm getting at, is that this happened just over 7 months ago. And ever since then, my ears have not produced earwax. Not one tiny little speck of earwax. For 7 months. What's up with that? I'll be honest, it makes my obsession with Q-tips somewhat less satisfying.

1 comment:

Faith said...

hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! (at the first video, not at your searing earflesh) I am SO going to do that to my kids. Not only because it's hilarious, but also because it looks like a decent workout!

But back to the earflesh.. what did the new doc tell you to do? Did anything eventually help? What were these old school eardrops? It sounds like something my husband tried to use once as well with the same results. He was too much of a wuss to use them more than once though.