Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Emma's Song

These pictures are for Chrysta. Emma and Kelty, getting along JUST FINE:)

Ok please disregard the corny-ish lyrics, poor singing ability and less than stellar sound quality of this video. I just had to post, because it melts my heart that every time I sing, she's all mine. She just stares and giggles, and I know it makes her happy:)


Chrystapooh said...

Thank you. I needed that. All of it.

You're such a sweet mom. I wanna be like you someday when I grow up.

Christy said...


Deb said...

Love love love.

Sara K. said...

So Sweet. Is it Reunion time, yet?

Anna@Exasperation said...

That song is fantastic. Classic ABAB format and I personally loved the lyrics. Your voice is nice and soothing and it drifts off at the end. LOVELY!
And, of course, Emma deserves a song that is as beautiful as she is:)
Lurve the Kelty. I keep having sweet dreams of long walks/runs with Miles and Soph this fall when Cam starts school. I miss walks/runs with the jogger!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

That was so sweet. I loved it. Thank you for doing to that for me mom:) Future Emma.