Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Girl!

Well, we had our ultrasound on Thursday and heard the good news, we're having a girl! The ultrasound was an altogether amazing experience. To see her little arms and legs, and all her bones and her heart, stomach, kidneys...the works! She measures in the 52nd percentile for weight at 1 lb 1 oz. She's healthy and very active, so we feel blessed! It was great to watch her move around and squirm, and had a hilarious moment when, in rebellion we think, she rolled over and mooned us:) We also got to see her open and close her mouth a few times, and saw her rubbing her head with her hands. She's cute already:) Here's the ultrasound pic of her profile. Her head is on the left side, with her face pointing up, and her chin resting on her chest. Her abdomen is on the right side of the picture, and the little dark spot in there is her heart:)

Right after the ultrasound we took off for a little weekend vaca with mom, dad and grandma, but I'll post more about that later!!

On another note, today we had a fun experience when Mike was able to feel her kick for the first time. I've been feeling it for several weeks now, and he's been jealous, so he was EXTREMELY happy and proud today when he felt her kick. And then he talked to her and said "GOOD JOB, BEAN! KEEP KICKING YOUR MOMMY!" And so she did, she put on a good show for daddy, kicking the tar out of me for a good 30 minutes or so. Mike loved every minute of it:)


Christy said...

Yay! Go pink!

Deb said...

I'm so glad to live so close!!! So fun .

Chrystapooh said...

I hope she's more of a girl than Keaton turned out to be ;P

Wanna check out any of the dresses I bought for him?

Alyssa said...

Hehehe...yes, we've been thinking about your situation. So we're not going to go TOO crazy with all the pinkness. I thought you sold all your girly stuff on Ebay?

Chrystapooh said...

I keep thinking I'm going to start selling all my excess stuff on Ebay, but I've never actually figured out how to do it. So yes, Keaton still has a closet full of dresses and otherwise pink things! Luckily for him, I haven't made him wear any of it out of spite ;P

Alyssa said...

Yeah, it's a little early to be spiting him, don't you think?? I'm glad you've shown some restraint! Although it would make for some excellent blackmail photos, or first date photos for his girlfriends!!

lauren said...

I can't really tell who she looks like, yet - maybe in a month or two. is her name officially BEAN?!! Being part beaner myself I do love that name and I mean LOVE!! My brother wanted to name his girl Petra - weird and cool at the same time, but it never came to fruit. Even if it doesn't pan out I will enjoy the BEAN now - keep kickin your momma, Bean!!

Anna@Exasperation said...

OH, the kicking. If she's a kicker now just WAIT until October when you're begging her to stop (but not really). They can put on a good show, huh? I always think my tummy reminds me of putting a cat in a bag. You can see the cat in there squirming around and shaking the bag all over the place. Nice.
Anyway, CONGRATS on a girl!! I've been meaning to tell you that. We're SO SUPER excited for you to have a little pink baby!!